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THE ESSENCE - PART 1 Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 |
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 DO THE WILL OF GOD IS THE LAW All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White Aryans as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our genes, our minds and out bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and He shall help them on the upward path so long as they remain true to Him. THE WHIRLWIND GOES BEFORE THEM. Modern White humans are lost because they are confused and suffer from false ideas about themselves, about human beings, about life and about absolute meaning. The false ideas must be deprogrammed from our White minds for us to find happiness and contentment in this life and to rid ourselves of the alienation we subconsciously feel. The major false idea about man is the belief that man is somehow a different creation than the rest of life, and is, indeed, something completely different from other organisms. In truth, man is just one branching of the original life molecule, DNA. However, man is also different from other organisms, just as every organism is also different from other organisms. Man's uniqueness, at least as far as we know of life forms on Earth, may be in the way his brain works, which allows him to think abstract thoughts and look for answers about existence. However, this apparently unique brain is not the product of a separate creation but is the result of the "accidents" of evolution. The second false idea about man is that all humans and all human races are almost identical except for some "minor" physical characteristics such as skin color, hair color and texture, eye shapes and color, musculature, bone structure and on and on. The truth is that all human races are different from each other and have evolved in different ways. The different human races each have strengths and weaknesses that are a product of their genes.Whites are very different from all non-Whites and we are a separate species even though the word species is arbitrarily used in different ways at different times. 2. It is important for human beings, given human psychology, to have a strong belief in something bigger than themselves. Humans need a final arbiter and a something that is the end to all arguments and is the final word on everything if they are to evolve in the best way for themselves. That final word must be something that is beyond trends and human frailties. God fits the bill. We believe that we have been given the truths of existence. For many of us, these are deeply held religious beliefs that we try to uphold even though we are not perfect and we make mistakes and have the same sorts of temptations that pull us off the narrow path as others who are not our people and who do not believe as we believe. A major part of our belief system is the sure knowledge of the existence of Cosmic Evolution, of which evolution of life on Earth is just a part. We believe that the universe began as a single point and expanded in all directions. So too did life begin as a single point--a single molecule--and it expanded and adapted as it spun out constant variations. Long term adaptation is given the name evolution. 3. Those with a strong religious belief in Arman's teachings (which constitute this faith system) believe that God or the First Cause or any of the other names we use for that which started it all, has a will and has a desire for evolution to take a certain path. The First Cause may not care which organisms move higher to a greater knowledge and harmony with the First Cause, but He cares that some organism or organisms do move higher, for this is part of His evolution as well. To move higher, requires that all living things struggle to be and to be more. Those that do not struggle are eliminated. Those that struggle in false ways are eliminated. Only those who struggle in the right ways, and who can adapt, have a chance to move higher. And, moving higher is not just a metaphysical or spiritual concept whereby any and every human being can simply do the right exercises or think the right thoughts or follow the right teachings and he or she will move higher. It requires a genetic type and a physical body. We call the genetic type required for our kind of human, Code A. It is the prerequisite to moving higher as surely as hands are required to work a doorknob and is why your pet dog or cat can't do it. While the innermost parts of our inner codes can't be seen without special equipment, all organisms are spun out from their particular codes and thus Code A can often be seen by what it has spun out in the finished human being. 4. Believers can find a total transformation and peace and happiness by following the teachings. Some of the genetic changes cannot be made in the already living organism since the characteristics it possesses were already set when it was born and have limited plasticity, but the essential things that are changed can be passed on to offspring (this is something that science has not fully caught up to yet). The brain, however, can be programmed by the individual during his or her life and it has the ability to physically change and improve and become more when the believer does the right things which we call method living and which are part of the Teachings. For everything to work properly, believers must have faith in the First Cause that caused all to be, and to seek to be more. Competition and striving to be number one are required. Life is like a sports contest. Play to win or you lose. Seek a strong mind in a strong body. 5. Nature gives all organisms unique survival strategies. All such survival strategies require organisms to make more like themselves because survival of the individual is just to allow survival of the DNA code. Most organisms don't have to think about this and simply follow their instincts. We are given our senses so we can survive, improve and expand. Humans have reached an evolutionary threshold where they have to think about this and especially in this evil Dark Age. It is up to us to make the right choices even if most of the world has gone mad and makes the wrong choices while claiming they are right choices. If we choose wrongly we will become extinct. This is a path that only our people can take. It is for Ourselves Alone. 6. We must learn that shapes and orders make a world of difference and that this partly explains why certain symbols are required and why some are proscribed. 7. In this evil Dark Age, our non-believing people are so far gone, that it's going to take a major change to put them back on the right track. In the past, changing civilizations has often been accomplished by single religious leaders who bubbled up from the people and who set a new direction for that people. Look no further than to many other religions for proof of this. Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and on and on. These people came when their entire societies were thinking one way, and they changed the thinking and set their societies on a different path. 8. The laws of God are not trendy and they do not seek to bend to human likes and dislikes. They are God's laws and they stand forever. By understanding the basic principles of existence, we can understand a little about why God's laws are God's laws. For example, God's law to expand always; contract never means that we must have as many children in our image as possible who live to also reproduce in our image. It also means that any practices are forbidden that cause us to bear children not in our image--such as miscegenation, and any practices that hold down our reproduction--acceptance of homosexuality as an equal to heterosexuality, abortion, suicide, birth control measures, meaningless wars that are not fought to protect the Code, and any similar practices that lessen the numbers of us in our image are strictly forbidden by God. Anything that slows down the evolution of us toward Him is also forbidden. These are deeply held religious beliefs among those who follow Arman's teachings. These deeply held religious beliefs may not be changed. They are essential parts of our belief system. Once again, they are for Ourselves Alone. We have a greater burden than others, because we see the truth and we know right from wrong and we are to always be a people alone. 9. We are certain that there is a bottleneck coming. This term has a somewhat similar connotation to some terms used in other systems. It is a time when the present world is almost wiped clean of life and life begins anew. Some life, including some human life, will get through the bottleneck. Our teachings say it will be us who will get through the bottleneck, or at least the purest among us, if we follow the teachings. 10. Some ask if God is dead. We answer, if this is so we must bring Him back to life, but not as man has claimed to have seen Him, but as He actually is. It is not through a denial of nature and true science that God is found and revived, but by studying nature and true science and then understanding the true messages and by stripping away the false to find the authentic. And, it is with the authentic that God can be glimpsed; not directly, but obliquely, for we do not have the eyes nor the brain to see Him directly as He truly is. If we could see Him directly, we would not understand. We would deny He is there, while looking directly at Him. Can we see the whirlwind when there is no dust or moisture or anything in it? Yet, the whirlwind is there. It is only by bringing God back to life that we can find true meaning for existence. Without God--the Ultimate, the First Cause--what meaning can there be? All is transitory and short lived. All is artificial. And, when man sets out to find meaning without the final arbiter, he is doing little more than playing at children's games. If you do not believe in the reality of a God; then believe in a fictional God and consider it a means to an end. Indulge yourself in the fiction for your mind can work wonders even this way. # # # |
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